Wednesday, June 4, 2008

2008 Politics

First I would like comment on medias role in politics. I think it is ridiculous that media follows every step of our political members lives and keeps them worried about saying or doing the wrong thing. People make mistakes and don't have them plastered all over the TV. I also think if politicians were less worried about what the media will catch they would have more time to worry about their jobs.
I don't follow presidential elections very closely yet because I don't understand the full scope of their position on views yet. I do on the other hand think that the US isn't ready for a women president and I don't think she is ready either. I usually find myself siding with republicans when ever I do pay attention so I think I would probably vote for John McCain. I think Obama is a solid politician but I don't think hes been around long enough.
I think media plays an important role in keeping cheating and imperfections from happening, but overall I think they are to involved and to noisy and often feel like they create drama on purpose.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How Advertising Affects Me!!

I find myself watching TV quite a bit and I see my fair share of commercials, which in my mind is the biggest form of advertising. I think if affects me in many ways. I find myself going and grabbing something to eat from commercials all the time. Or even sometimes going to certain websites from commercials I saw. I do read the Sunday paper allot and I see many advertisements while reading. I have purchased many tangible things from advertisements in the Sunday paper.
The last time I was influenced by a commercial was probably when I saw the new Taco Bell commercial for there under a dollar menu. I def. utilized that a few times this month already. Its catchy and funny as well as very informative.
I would say though that the commercial that made me remember it the most would have to be the commercial for Its cleaver, catchy, entertaining, and keeps you singing it all day long.
The worst commercial I've seen recently is the gold bonds commercial, its boring and entertaining and I barley remember it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

School Shooting

First I would send out an e-mail through the school e-mail list. Stating that we are sorry to inform you of the loss of a fellow student. We ask that your thoughts and prayers be with his family and friends as they deal with hard times. I would publicize an on-campus vigil. The University would need to show that they are worried and do care about the interests of their students. They would need to set up professional counseling and talking areas. The university would need to urge students to come forward with any information regarding the murder. I would send out a press release informing the public that university is aware of the importance of the situation and the need to take steps to insure that this doesn't happen in the future. Ensure the public that school will do everything in their power to prevent this from happening while not making it seem that it was anything the school did.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


In the past 100 years music has changed in many ways. Some of the many factors changing music have been radio, TV, cassettes, records, Cd's, mp3, and others. Also the style and means of delivery have changed dramatically. In my life I've seen music change dramatically. In 1900 music was played of record players that took up allot of space and the music had very little variation. Today you see many different variations; country, rock, rap, hip hop, oldies, alternative, as well as many others. In short music is a totally different business and market than it was 100 years ago.

Music doesn't really play a huge role in my life. I do listen to it but I usually find myself finding it on the radio when I am bored. The only other time i listen to music is when I am working out or studying. These two things at some point usually equal zero.

The link below will take you to an article about how MTV has changed the music industry. MTV brought visual music to the world. They put a face to music and helped decide what was popular and and what would be the future. They offered shows and programs that were music oriented and help expose artist to new audiences. They started the revolution of music videos and allowed artist to visually express themselves.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Future Media

Today's class was very interesting, I especially liked the first groups future paper. It was a good idea with a clear idea of what was going to be offered. The last three or four were all online newspapers and I felt they all delivered a quality concept. Even though my groups paper was more of a magazine I still liked the concept and would visit it myslef.
I personally like the school newspaper. I read it every wednesday during class. I dont read every article but i do have my favorite sections which I always read. They cover all aspects of school activities. I dont think it is a very attractive paper but i'm not sure ive ever seen an attractive paper. The online version that comes out ever morning is in my mind boring and I never do anything but press delete. Please feel free to comment on my thoughts and ideas!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Today in class I felt a little left out because I don't really read magazines and I haven't cracked a book in years. Although I do read the occasional Sports Illustrated while going to the bathroom. I never use it as a normal media source. In my past I have read many books, but I found it funny that all of the books that we discussed being banned are the books which I was made to read in High School. As far as the topic of banning books goes, I have never personally read any widely published material which I personally felt was inappropriate. I perosnally enjoyed some of the books which we discussed today. On a side note I was really pumped about the short class today, no insult to you Mrs. Price, it was just my second class of the day and I was ready to fall asleep right then. Please comment on anything I've talked about that interests you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Media Usage

Today I realized that I utilize more sources of media than I knew existed. Half of my day is spent using some sort of media channel. Do any of you feel you use to much media in your daily life?